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Kill Fertilizer Parasites Remember to soak all greens and unpeeled vegetables in Lugol’s solution for one minute to kill Ascaris and tapeworm eggs buy 30caps diarex amex gastritis diet australia. Mix the pulp with an equal amount of clover honey and use as topping (kept in freezer) for homemade ice cream purchase diarex 30 caps line gastritis symptoms bloating, pancakes cheap diarex 30 caps with visa gastritis diet ocd, or yogurt. Maple Milk Shake For each milk shake, blend or shake together: 1 glass of milk and 2 tablespoons maple syrup. Read the label on the lemon- packaging; avoid those that have been sprayed for longer shelf life. If you are not sure about this, peel the lemon with a sharp knife; you will still get limonene, the active ingredient. C-Milk Cold milk can absorb a surprising amount of vitamin C powder without curdling or changing its flavor. Raw Certified Milk You may be lucky enough to find this at your health food store. This factor is missing from the liver, spleen and bone marrow in cases of anemia and cancer. Alginate/Intestinal Healer For intestines that are sore from surgery, blockage, or in- flammation. This beverage is not meant to be digested; it forms a gelatinous ribbon right through the intestine, giving bulk and absorbing toxins along the way. Consume 1 cup a day in table- spoon amounts that you add to soup, stew, pudding, pie, or bouillon. Food Recipes Despite the presence of malonic acid, aflatoxins, benzopy- renes, and solvents in many foods, it is possible to have a deli- cious and safe diet. Help yourself to lots of butter, whip- ping cream, whole milk, avocados, and olive oil. Remember, when you are re- covering from a major illness it is essential not to diet to lose weight. Daily Foods Dairy products should contain at least 2% fat to enable you to absorb the calcium in them. The salt raises the temperature just enough to kill Rhizobium legumi- nosarum, a dangerous tumor causing bacterium. Change brands every time you shop to prevent the same pollutants from building up in your body. Where spraying of fruits, vegetables and greens is permitted, peel everything and don’t buy small-leafed greens; they can’t be washed free of benzene. Be sure to drink plenty of plain water from your cold fau- cet throughout the day, especially if it is difficult for you to drink it with your meals. Use a glass bottle from a grocery store to transport it (the solvent from a plastic water bottle does not rinse out).

But since water (even distilled water) commences after a few days to be spoil diarex 30caps generic gastritis nec, whereby the power of the small quantity of medicine contained is destroyed order generic diarex pills severe erosive gastritis diet, the addition of a little alcohol is necessary cheap 30 caps diarex with mastercard gastritis diet rice, or where this is not practicable, or if the patient cannot bear it, I add a few small pieces of hard charcoal to the watery solution. This answers the purpose, except that in the latter case the fluid in a few days receives a blackish tint. This is caused by shaking the liquid, as is necessary every time before giving a dose of medicine, as may be seen below. Before proceeding, it is important to observe, that our vital principle cannot well bear that the same unchanged dose of medicine be given even twice in succession, much less more frequently to a patient. For by this the good effect of the former dose of medicine is either neutralized in part, or new symptoms proper to the medicine, symptoms which have not before been present in the disease, appear, impeding the cure. Thus even a well selected homoeopathic medicine produces ill effects and attains its purpose imperfectly or not at all. Thence come the many contradictions of homoeopathic physicians with respect to the repetition of doses. But in taking one and the same medicine repeatedly (which is indispensable to secure the cure of a serious, chronic disease), if the dose is in every case varied and modified only a little in its degree of dynamization, then the vital force of the patient will calmly, and as it were willingly receive the same medicine even at brief intervals very many times in succession with the best results, every time increasing the well-being of the patient. This slight change in the degree of dynamization is even effected, if the bottle which contains the solution of one or more pellets is merely well shaken five or six times, every time before taking it. This last solution may then be taken in the same manner, or at longer intervals, perhaps also less of the solution at a time; but every time the solution must be shaken up five or six times. This will be continued so long as the remedy still produces improvement and until new ailments (such as have never yet occurred with other patients in this disease), appear; for in such a case a new remedy will have to be used. On any day when the remedy has produced too strong an action, the dose should be omitted for a day. If the symptoms of the disease alone appear, but are considerably aggravated even during the more moderate use of the medicine, then the time has come to break off in the use of the medicine for one or two weeks, and to await a considerable improvement. He will dissolve one (two) pellet of the highly potentized, well selected medicine in seven, ten or fifteen tablespoonfuls of water (without addition) by shaking the bottle. He will then, according as the disease is more or less acute, and more or less dangerous, give the patient every half hour, or every hour, every two, three, four, six hours (after again well shaking the bottle) a whole or a half tablespoonful of the solution, or, in the case of a child, even less. If the physician sees no new symptoms develop, he will continue at these intervals, until the symptoms present at first begin to be aggravated; then he will give it at longer intervals and less at a time. As is well known, in cholera the suitable medicine has often to be given at far shorter intervals. Children are always given these solutions from their usual drinking vessels; a teaspoon for drinking is to them unusual and suspicious, and they will refuse the tasteless liquid at once on that account. But if the diseased organism is affected by the physician through this same appropriate remedy at the same time in sensitive spots other than the nerves of the mouth and the alimentary canal, i. The limbs which are thus rubbed with the solution may also be varied, first one, then another. Thus the physician will receive a greater action from the medicine homoeopathically suitable to the chronic patient, and can cure him more quickly, than by merely internally administering the remedy.

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Ellingwood’s American Materia Medica order diarex with a mastercard gastritis chronic symptoms, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy - Page 93 Its influence upon the circulation is more marked in its local than its constitutional or central effects order diarex with mastercard gastritis home remedy, although it does influence general capillary tone buy diarex 30caps with visa gastritis and colitis. It barely increases the pulse beat, although it materially alters its character and it does not influence the appreciable temperature. Specific Symptomatology—It is directly indicated in general enfeebled conditions, with impairment of nerve influence. In general atonic conditions, with relaxation of muscular fiber; in plethoric conditions and lethargic affections, with general impairment of tone, with deficiency of functional force, energy or activity—in these conditions, because of its local and general effects, it is markedly different from other stimulants. The indications are marked nervous depression, tendency to capillary stasis; dry, harsh tongue, with brown coating; scanty and glutinuous buccal secretion, tendency to tympanitic distension, cool extremities and gastric uneasiness. Furthermore with quinine in malarial troubles, with small doses of hydrochloric acid, excellent results have been obtained in rheumatism of malarial origin, coming on periodicidly. Therapy—Its influence upon the nervous system is shown by the fact that in general paresis, and in some cases of paralysis, local and general of central origin, it has rapidly promoted cures without the use of other agents. In one case after passive cerebral congestion, it was given in strong infusion, and the tincture applied to the paralyzed arm and muscles, and restoration of nerve influence followed in a few days with a generally improved condition of the nervous system. It certainly deserves a more extended use in these cases, because of the possibility of its being pushed to the extreme without danger of disturbance of function or structure, or impairment or derangement of any organ. It is a harmless agent, however used; if concentrated, local irritation should be avoided. It has long been combined with tonics, stimulants and general restoratives in seriously impaired nerve tone of the dipsomaniac, with results which were ascribed to other agents used. It has an influence in these cases which resembles that of strychnine, and yet is quite unlike it although fully as important. Ellingwood’s American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy - Page 94 In delirium tremens it produces a sedative influence, which results in quiet, rest, and frequently in deep sleep. In these cases it is best in hot infusion combined with warm beef-tea or other hot nutritious liquid food. If its use be continued it will replace the alcohol, and in its satisfaction of the unnatural demands of the stomach, will enable the patient, with proper adjuvants, to permanently overcome the taste for liquor. It must be given in conjunction with persistent and concentrated nutrition, and may be combined with hydrastine or strychnine or other nerve stimulants and tonics. It is also of much service in the treatment of the opium and morphine habits, and also that of cocaine. In languid and enfeebled states of the stomach, with inactivity of the peptic and other glands, whatever the cause, it is an immediate and direct stimulant. In atonic dyspepsia and flatulent colic, in atonic inactivity of the liver and other glandular organs which have a part in the stomach and intestinal digestion, its influence is immediate and most important. It is a common ingredient of pills and laxative granules, and it certainly improves the capillary circulation and nerve tone of the entire intestinal tract. In the stage of collapse of prostrating diarrheas and of exhausting fevers and in cholera, no agent is more efficient. It is useful in yellow fever, in typhus and in some cases of typhoid where there are great relaxation and muscular weakness, where there are sluggishness of the nervous system, torpor and insensibility, low muttering delirium and tendency to coma.

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