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For example proven nifedipine 20 mg hypertension history, pepsin buy on line nifedipine blood pressure high, a digestive enzyme in the stomach nifedipine 20 mg without prescription blood pressure variability normal, has maximum action at pH 2, where as other enzymes, designed to work at neutral pH, are denatured by such an acidic environment. Concentration of substrate At fixed enzyme concentration pH and temperature the activity of enzymes is influenced by increase in substrate concentration. An increase in the substrate concentration increases the enzyme activity till a maximum is reached. This condition shows that as concentration of substrate is increased, the substrate molecule combine with all available enzyme molecules at their active site till not more active sites are available (The active Sites become saturated). Relationship between [S] and Km Km shows the relationship between the substrate concentration and the velocity of the enzyme catalyzed reaction. Take the point in which 50% of the active site of the enzyme will be saturated by substrate, Assume that at ? Vmax-50% of the active site of enzyme becomes saturated. Therefore: 11 Vo = ? Vmax, at 50% saturation ? Vmax = Vmax[S] Km + [S] 2[S] = Km + [S] Km= [S] Figure: Relationship between [S] and Km Characteristics of Km Km- can defined as the concentration of the substrate at which a given enzyme yields one-half its max. Km- values varies from enzyme to enzyme and used to characterized different enzymes. Km- values of an enzyme helps to understand the nature and speed of the enzyme catalysis. Small Km - A numerically small (Low) km reflects a high affinity of the enzyme for substrate because a low conc of substrate is needed to half saturate the enzyme- that is reach a velocity of ? Vmax. High Km - A numerically large (high) Km reflects a low affinity of enzyme for substrate b/c a high conc of substrate is needed to half saturate the enzyme. Relationship of Velocity to Enzyme Concentration the rate of the reaction is directly proportional to enzyme concentration at all substrate concentration. For example, if the enzyme concentration halved, the initial rate of the reaction (Vo) is reduced to one half that of the original. Effect of Enzyme concentration on enzymatic reaction Order of Reaction When [S] is much less than Km, the velocity of the reaction is roughly proportional to the substrate concentration. The rate of reaction is then said to be first order configuration with respect to substrate. The rate of reaction is then independent of substrate concentration and said to be zero order with respect to substrate concentration. Enzyme Inhibition Any substance that can diminish the velocity of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction is called an inhibitor and the process is known as inhibition. Example: Inhibition of triose phosphate dehydrogenate by iodo acetate which block the activity of the enzyme. In competitive inhibition the inhibitor and substrate compete for the same active site on the enzyme as a result of similarity in structure.

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Clinical features in- • muscle relaxants (>50%): rocuronium discount 20 mg nifedipine otc blood pressure normal limit, suxa- clude (in order of frequency): methonium generic 20 mg nifedipine visa heart attack or anxiety, atracurium purchase 30 mg nifedipine amex pulse pressure low values, vecuronium; • severe hypotension; • induction agents (5%): thiopentone, propofol. The possi- •Discontinue all drugs likely to have triggered the bility of a tension pneumothorax (secondary to reaction. Give further should be taken immediately after treatment, ap- doses according to the response. Elevated • Ensure adequate ventilation: tryptase con?rms anaphylactic or anaphylactoid • Intubation will be required if spontaneous reaction, but does not distinguish between them. In these circumstances a needle and do not forget to inform the patient and the pa- cricothyroidotomy or surgical airway will be tient’s general practitioner of the events, both ver- required. Crystalloids initially may be safer Generalized atopy does not help predict the risk than colloids. In the absence of a major pulse, of immunologically mediated reaction to anaes- start cardiopulmonary resuscitation using the thetic drugs. The greatest risk is during induction of anaesthe- sia, but some patients are also at risk during extu- Subsequent management bation and recovery. Reactions vary in sever- • intestinal obstruction or peritoneal irritation; ity, can be biphasic, delayed in onset (particularly • blood in the stomach; 91 Chapter 4 Management of perioperative emergencies and cardiac arrest • sympathetic stimulation, pain and anxiety; • After allowing the patient to recover, continue •afull stomach: using either a regional technique or a rapid- • an inadequate period of starvation; sequence induction and intubation. Signs suggesting aspiration include: (iii) Neuromuscular blocking drugs given: • coughing during induction or recovery from • Intubate with a cuffed tracheal tube to secure the anaesthesia; airway. If aspiration is suspected in a patient postopera- tively, treat as for (i) above. Antibiotics should be given • Maintain the airway and place the patient head- according to local protocols. Failed intubation Anaesthesia for elective surgery the following plans concentrate on unexpected Assume that the patient is starved, minimizing failed intubation. The immediate management in the risk of aspiration, and a non-depolarizing these circumstances will depend upon: neuromuscular blocker given to facilitate tracheal • ability to maintain adequate oxygenation; intubation. Oxygenation and ventilation successful Failed intubation, failed ventilation Surgery essential: Whatever the surgical urgency, if intubation fails • Continue anaesthesia with inhalational agent in and the patient cannot be oxygenated via a face- oxygen. These patients should be admitted to an appropriate critical care area postoperatively and During anaesthesia may require endoscopy prior to extubation. Full details of the dif?culties encountered and • Mechanical obstruction of the breathing system. Acute airway obstruction Management This may present in a variety of ways: Whatever the circumstances, the aim is to secure a patent airway to allow adequate oxygenation. Unconscious patient •When anaesthesia is adequate perform direct • Usually secondary to unrelieved obstruction laryngoscopy. The concurrent use of positive pressure ventilation will increase the rate at which the pressure rises Tension pneumothorax as gas is forced through the defect into the A pneumothorax exists when any gas accumulates pleural cavity, resulting in rapid cardiovascular in the pleural cavity. The nitrous oxide diffuses gas accumulates under pressure, then a tension into the air-?lled space in a greater volume and at a pneumothorax exists.

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