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The choice of a matrix size depends on the field of view of the imaging system and the pixel size to give desired image resolution cheap viagra 75 mg visa cheap erectile dysfunction pills uk. For all practical purposes purchase generic viagra canada erectile dysfunction pump nhs, a pixel size of 2 to 3mm is considered appropriate for good image resolution purchase viagra amex doctor for erectile dysfunction in mumbai. Because of the high count densities in static views, data acquisition in byte mode may overflow in individual pixels and, therefore, the word mode is usually employed. Digital images essentially represent the count density in regions of inter- est in an object. It depends on how small a region in an image is to be identified and its appar- ent contrast with the surrounding background. Large and high-contrast objects are easily detectable at low count densities, whereas small and low- contrast objects are difficult to delineate from the statistical noise. Dynamic Study In dynamic studies, a series of images are collected and each image (frame) is acquired over a certain period of time selected by the operator. While the patient’s position cannot be changed during the image acquisition, the matrix size and the frame rate (time of acquisition) can be changed. The acquisition of image data is buffered such that while one frame is being collected, the previous frame is stored in the external storage device (e. The choice of frame rate for a given study depends on the kinetics of the radiotracer through the organ of interest. The common matrix size used in dynamic studies is 64 × 64 or 128 × 128, although some loss of spatial resolution is expected with these matrices. Since counts collected per frame are low in number, the data are collected in byte mode, which obviates the need for a large memory space, and normally does not allow pixel counts to exceed 255 with little chance of counts overflow. Application of Computers in Nuclear Medicine 147 Gated Study The gated study was introduced in the mid-1970s to determine the ejection fraction of the heart by acquiring two images, one at end diastole and the other at end systole. The normal heart beat is about 1 beat/second, and the R-R interval is therefore about 1 second, i. First, the R-R interval is divided into several segments or frames (16–32 segments) depending on the number of frames one chooses to obtain. For example, with a choice of 20 frames in the R-R interval, each frame will be 50msec long. In actual data collection, first the counts are acquired in frame 1 for 50msec, followed by the collection of counts in frame 2 for another 50msec, and so on. After completion of counting in all 20 frames, a new R-wave is detected, and the above sequence of counting continues until sufficient counts have been accumulated in each frame. Assuming a count rate of 10,000 to 20,000 counts/s in a typical cardiac study, each 50msec frame would accumulate counts of the order of 500 to 1000. If the heart beat is irregular such as in cardiac arrhythmia, the R-R interval is suf- ficiently altered and the data become corrupted from R-wave to R-wave. Using the list mode acquisition, bad heart beat data can be sorted out and rejected in postacquisition reformatting.


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