Design is often associated with just form. A vehicle for something aesthetically pleasing or purely functional and the interaction with the human aspect is considered the final step. Award-winning British designer Ilse Crawford couldn’t disagree anymore and proves this idea incorrect: ‘Before design, there is empathy. Without it, there is no good design’.
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Design is often associated with just form. A vehicle for something aesthetically pleasing or purely functional and the interaction with the human aspect is considered the final step. Award-winning British designer Ilse Crawford couldn’t disagree anymore and proves this idea incorrect: ‘Before design, there is empathy. Without it, there is no good design’.
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CSR 2024
Det er med glæde og stolthed, at vi opfylder HORSENS ALLIANCENs kriterier for at være en socialt ansvarlig virksomhed. Derfor har vi modtaget CSRpeople-mærket for 2024, hvilket synliggør, at vi tager et socialt ansvar - både for de mennesker, der er ansat i virksomheden og for mange andre mennesker og virksomheder, der kan lade sig inspirere til at gøre det samme.